Rule 28: Converting Decimals to Fractions

For this review, we will focus on terminating fractions. Divide the fraction by 1, and then multiply the result by 1 in a form that will remove the decimal.

Example: Convert 2.3 to a fraction.

Answer. 2.3 can be written tex2html_wrap_inline29 which can be multiplied by 1 and divided by 1 without changing its value. We have


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If you would like to review another example, click on Example.
Work the following problems and click on Answer if you want to check the answer and/or review the solution.

Problem 1: Convert 0.00235 to a simple fraction.


Problem 2: Convert 4.28 to a simple fraction and to a compound number.


Problem 3: Convert 10.0000255 to a simple fraction and to a compound number.


[Simple Fractions] [Complex Fractions] [Compound Fractions]
[Decimals] [Percentage] [Rules]

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Author: Nancy Marcus

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