Recall the following:

LINEAR EQUATION - Solve for x in the following equation.

Example 1:


Complete multiplication.


Group like terms on each side of the equal sign.


Subtract 18 x from both sides of the equation.


Subtract 57 from both sides of the equation.


Divide both sides of the equation by 12 and simplify.


The answer is tex2html_wrap_inline98

Check the solution by substituting tex2html_wrap_inline100 in the original equation for x. If the left side of the equation equals the right side of the equation after the substitution, you have found the correct answer.

Since the left side of the original equation equals the right side of the original equation when the value tex2html_wrap_inline100 is substituted for x, the solution x = tex2html_wrap_inline100 is verified.

You can also check the answer with your calculator. tex2html_wrap_inline106

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Author:Nancy Marcus

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