Rule 20: Order of Operations

Multiplication and division must be completed before addition and subtraction.

Example: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline18 .

Answer: The answer is 62.

Since multiplication comes before addition, the problem tex2html_wrap_inline18 can be simplified to tex2html_wrap_inline22 which in turn can be simplified to 62.

If you would like to review more examples, click on the word Example.

Work the following problems and click on Answer to check your results.

Problem 1: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline24.

Problem 2: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline26.

Problem 3: Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline28.

[Identification] [Factoring Integers] [Reducing Fractions] [Multiplication]
[Division] [Building Fractions] [Addition] [Subtraction]
[Order of Operation]

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Author: Nancy Marcus

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